Jai Maata di!Om Nama Shivaya!
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Sai baba's Miracle in Aruba ::Shared by Sai devotee Dhanesh Ahuja
This happened two years ago on a Ganpati Visarjan here in Aruba (Dutch Caribbean) where I live with my wife and son. Over here the Arubian roads are not very hard roads. There is always some kind of sand on the road and there are lots of accidents every week.
My son Aditya did¡¦nt know how to swim in those days. After lots of persuasion from my wife and son, we went for the Ganpati Visarjan to the beach where this small function is done by group of Indians here in Aruba every year. My wife and I got busy in the final aarti done before Visarjan. I had warned my son not to go into the water, but after few minutes we heard a commotion and saw somebody from the group was holding my son¡¦s hand and bringing him out of the water.
We were told by the group that my son was almost drowning since he had gone little bit far and had shouted for help. I prayed to God and at the same time was very angry. We immediately left from there. My wife and son were sitting next to me in the front passenger seat. I was in a horrible angry mood and I was scolding my son and talking to him with my face turned towards him and at the same time I was driving at speed.

"Ek baal bhi banka nahin hone diya Sai ne". I always have a small marble Sai murti installed on the dashboard of my car which I had got from Shirdi when I had gone for vacation in 2003. I had put a small nice dress on it. So only the face of Sai was visible and not the entire body seated on His royal rock throne.
One month after this incident I was cleaning my car and thought of changing the dress of my Sai Baba on the dashboard. As soon as I took the dress out I saw Sai's leg was completely broken, but He was sitting in his perfect posture and looking at me as if to say (as quoted from Sai Satcharitra) So saying, He lifted up His Kafni up to the waist and showed to all present, four fully developed buboes, as big as eggs, and added, See, how I have to suffer for My devotees; their difficulties are Mine.¡¦ Seeing this unique and extraordinary deed (Leela), the people were convinced as to how the Saints suffer pains for their devotees. The mind of the saints is softer than wax, it is soft, in and out, as butter. They love their devotees without any idea of gain, and regard them as their true relatives.
"I get goose pimples when I think of that incident; my eyes become watery remembering what my Sai did for me. Oh Baba what would I do without you. I am zero. I am nothing. You are the one; You are mine; You are everybody's.
My Baba took this on Himself for me and He is still doing this in all corners of the world for His countless devotees who regard Him as their own.
Om Sai Shree Sai Jai Jai Sai. I Love My Sai Baba , My Sai Baba Loves All.
When all machines are at work, the different components in them may grate with each other and cause friction. With this friction, heat and fire are generated and parts of the machines may be at risk. On oiling the noisy parts of the machines, they will run very smoothly. This is the case of machines invented by man. The human body, a marvellous machine created by God, has hundreds of vital components which are subject to friction, fatigue and tensions.Just like the body, we have to cleanse the mind and soul with the pure water of Baba's message. We have to overhaul our body-mind machine with the oil of Baba's nectarine love. Otherwise, the human machine may become obsolete and lack the purpose of life. But, if we are blessed with the Divine Love of Baba, with renewed joy, our mind will race for the realization of God. Our body, mind, heart and words will not feel any pressure and life would run in a freer and smoother manner. As there is no undue pressure, every work undertaken would be smoothly done unhindered. By this, the strength and efficiency of a person would increase. With energized minds, we shall live happily, loving, supporting and serving our fellow beings. Let us pray to Baba to fill every cell in our body with His healing love and bless us live in His love-light, selflessly serving all as Sai
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