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A Hero Named Jinx (Friendship)
Once upon a time, there was a very rich man who was well known for wholesomeness. He had a good friend who had the somewhat strange name, Jinx. They had been the best of friends ever since they were little children making mud-pies together. They had gone to the same schools and helped each other always.
After graduating, Jinx fell on hard times. He couldn't find a job and earn a living. So he went to see his lifelong friend, the prosperous and successful rich man. He was kind and comforting to his friend Jinx, and was happy to hire him to manage his property and business.
After he went to work in the rich man's mansion. pretty soon his strange name became a household word. People said, "Wait a minute, Jinx," "Hurry up, Jinx," "Do this, Jinx," 'Do that, Jinx."

'Hurry up, Jinx,' 'Do this, Jinx,' 'Do that, Jinx.' People only use the word 'jinx' when they want to cause bad luck or misfortune. Even house spirits and fairies would be frightened by hearing it constantly and would run away. This can only bring disaster to your household. The man named Jinx is inferior to you - he is miserable and ugly. What advantage can you possibly get by keeping such a fellow around?"
The rich man replied, "Jinx is my best friend! We have supported and cared for each other ever since we were little tots making mud-pies together. A lifelong trustworthy friend is of great value indeed! I could not reject him and lose our friendship just because of his name. After all, a name is only for recognition.
"The wise don't give a name a I second thought. Only fools are superstitious about sounds and words and names. They don't make good luck or bad luck!" So saying, the rich man refused to follow the advice of his busybody neighbors.

It just so happened that a gang of robbers heard about this. They decided it would be a perfect time to rob the mansion. So they armed themselves with various weapons and surrounded the rich man's home during the night.

The moral is: The longer the friendship, the greater its rewards.
God created illusion (Maya) before the advent of mankind. If we surrender to that "Maya" and keep pointing our own and others mistakes, fears and doubts surround us. By this, we slowly lose self-confidence and degenerate into persons of cowardice. Even the great sages have been overpowered by the power of illusion. Baba explained that, yielding to the sound, touch, image and odour is only due to Maya's influence. Baba maintained that when He Himself is subjected to Maya's play, how it would be possible for commoners to escape from it. As long as humans are swayed by Maya, keeping away from God they are caught up in the Karmic cage of birth-death-rebirth.Mind gets tired under the pressure of stress and strain. It feels exhausted out of despair and frustration. It boils with the heat of desires. It is further tormented with anxieties and craves for new taste, smell and touch. There is a wonderful means of controlling the mind. That is the fervent chanting of God's name. Baba showed us several methods of reaching Him. By following the path of devotion sincerely and conducting Bhajans, prayer or chanting of Baba's name, one can break the spell of Maya. The touch of Baba's love relaxes all tensions. It finally makes us bathe in the sea of serenity of Sai's love and His teachings.
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