Jai Maata di!Om Nama Shivaya!
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“The more you understand yourself, the easier it is to remain happy and peaceful.”

Navratri, the festival of nine nights is dedicated to Goddess Durga and her nine forms. According to the Hindu calendar, Navratri begins from the first day of the bright fortnight of Ashwin which usually coincides with the end of the rainy season.
The nine days have great religious significance as Goddess Durga, the divine mother, had destroyed the evil force (in the form of the demon Mahisashura) during this period.
Why nine?
Let’s not complicate matters. Though there’s one goddess for each day, simply put, Navratri can be divided into sets of three days. The first three days belong to Goddess Durga, the next three days are dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi, and the last three to Goddess Saraswati.
Celebrate Navaratri according to science of Spirituality
The Navaratri commences on the first day (pratipada) of the bright fortnight of the Hindu lunar month of Ashwin. During this vowed religious observance, a pot is installed (ghatasthapana) in a sanctified place at home. A lamp is kept lit in the pot for nine days. The pot symbolizes the universe. The uninterrupted lit lamp is the medium through which we worship the effulgent Adishakti, i.e. Sree Durgadevi. During Navaratri, the principle of Sree Durgadevi is more active in the atmosphere. When we understand the spiritual science behind the various rites that come under the worship of Sree Durgadevi, we become worthy of absorbing more of the Divine energy principle, thereby acquiring more of Her .
Mantras For Navaratri
Sarva mangala mangalye shive sarvartha sadhike l
Sharanye trayambake gauri, Narayani namostute ll
O Mother ! You are the personification of all that is auspicious, You are the benevolent form of Lord Shiva, You bestow Divine energy and help people achieve Righteousness, wealth, fulfill desires and Liberation, You are worthy of being surrendered to. Three eyes adorn You. O Narayani Devi, I pay obeisance to You !
Devi Mantra
Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu Maa rupena samsthita
Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu Shakti rupena samsthita
Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu Buddhi rupena samsthita
Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu Laxmi rupena samsthita
Namestasyai Namestasyai Namestasyai
Namo Namah
Meaning of Devi Mantra
To the Divine Goddess who resides in all existence in the form of universal motherTo the Divine Goddess who resides in all existence in the form of energyTo the Divine Goddess who resides in all existence in the form of intellegenceTo the Divine Goddess who resides in all existence in the form of true wealth
We bow to her, we bow to her, continually we bow to her

Shailaputri Mata –
On the first day of the Navaratras, a small bed of mud is prepared in the puja room of the house and barley seeds are sown on it. On this Bed a Kalash made of Copper is kept and filled with water. Above the pot a bowl filled with rice is kept. A dry Cococunt wrapped with mango leaves is then kept over this kalash. This Kalash is believed to be a symbolic form of Goddess Durga. By keeping kalash one invocates the goddess in the Kalash.
On the tenth day, the shoots are about 3 – 5 inches in length. After the puja, these seedlings are pulled out and given to devotees as a blessing from god. This Kalash must not be touched during the nine days . One diya is lit close to this Kalash which is supposed to burn endlessly for nine days. This is known as Akhand Jyoti.
Many people believe that the length of the Shoots determines the Quantum of income that they will have in coming six months. This belief could have been because India was basically an agrarian economy wherein the productivity of the Land determined one’s income.
On the first day of the Navaratras, a small bed of mud is prepared in the puja room of the house and barley seeds are sown on it. On this Bed a Kalash made of Copper is kept and filled with water. Above the pot a bowl filled with rice is kept. A dry Cococunt wrapped with mango leaves is then kept over this kalash. This Kalash is believed to be a symbolic form of Goddess Durga. By keeping kalash one invocates the goddess in the Kalash.
On the tenth day, the shoots are about 3 – 5 inches in length. After the puja, these seedlings are pulled out and given to devotees as a blessing from god. This Kalash must not be touched during the nine days . One diya is lit close to this Kalash which is supposed to burn endlessly for nine days. This is known as Akhand Jyoti.
Many people believe that the length of the Shoots determines the Quantum of income that they will have in coming six months. This belief could have been because India was basically an agrarian economy wherein the productivity of the Land determined one’s income.
Dhyana Mantra of Shailaputri:
Vande vaanchhit laabhaaya chandrardha krita shekharaam
Vrishaarudham shuladharam Shaila-putrim yashasvinim
Salute the Mother Goddess who has a half moon in her forehead, who rides a bullock and holds a Trishul. We chant your name and praise you always Maa Shailaputri.
Vande vaanchhit laabhaaya chandrardha krita shekharaam
Vrishaarudham shuladharam Shaila-putrim yashasvinim
Salute the Mother Goddess who has a half moon in her forehead, who rides a bullock and holds a Trishul. We chant your name and praise you always Maa Shailaputri.

Mantra to chant:
“Om doom durgaya namah”.
Bhramcharni devi is a store-house of knowledge and wisdom. Rudraksha is her most dear ornament. One hand holds a “Kumbha” or water pot and the other rosary beads of rudraksh.
Special benediction–She personifies love and loyalty. We see energies of blue light manifesting bringing empowered actualization of goals. Mantra chanting empowers throat chakra, rectifies negative thoughts and blesses access for more liberating karma and attracts forgiveness of negative karma. This day we also receive energies of strength and tolerance and create positive Karma to bring fame and fortune to ourselves and family.
At this time blue light radiates from plants and trees in fine filaments activating throat and speech energies. Whatever is spoken will multiply for the next 6 months so on this day one must be particularly attentive to what one says out loud especially.
We see the presence of energies of their Lordships Sita Ram–golden triangular energies of blessing as big as the human head descending from the north-east. All those who speak the truth during this time receive this energy within their mind, homes and future life.
Offering: two apples before 9:00 am and a candle/lamp to Bhramcharini devi morning and evening (after sunset); accept and share the apples in the evening with others. Mentally offer all fragrant flowers, fruits, gems, clothing.
Bhramcharni devi is a store-house of knowledge and wisdom. Rudraksha is her most dear ornament. One hand holds a “Kumbha” or water pot and the other rosary beads of rudraksh.
Special benediction–She personifies love and loyalty. We see energies of blue light manifesting bringing empowered actualization of goals. Mantra chanting empowers throat chakra, rectifies negative thoughts and blesses access for more liberating karma and attracts forgiveness of negative karma. This day we also receive energies of strength and tolerance and create positive Karma to bring fame and fortune to ourselves and family.
At this time blue light radiates from plants and trees in fine filaments activating throat and speech energies. Whatever is spoken will multiply for the next 6 months so on this day one must be particularly attentive to what one says out loud especially.
We see the presence of energies of their Lordships Sita Ram–golden triangular energies of blessing as big as the human head descending from the north-east. All those who speak the truth during this time receive this energy within their mind, homes and future life.
Offering: two apples before 9:00 am and a candle/lamp to Bhramcharini devi morning and evening (after sunset); accept and share the apples in the evening with others. Mentally offer all fragrant flowers, fruits, gems, clothing.
*** Offering of kheer – with lotus seeds (phul makhana) will bring glory to you.

Chandraghanta devi sits on a tiger, and radiates a golden hue. She manifests ten hands and three eyes. Eight hands display weapons while the remaining two are giving blessings and protection.
Special benediction: bliss, knowledge, peace and serenity, growtrh of all activities, purpose of life. She is worshiped in this form in Kanchipuram (Tamil Nadu) India.
We see expansion of red energies with pink lightning flashes going directly to the spinal column to strengthen to all activities, activate root chakra (mooladhara); activating birth/growth of new activities; opening of the heart chakra begins. Semicircular spiral energies of navy blue create movement in the spiritual and material zone for all auspicious, karma-freeing work.
As you pray and meditate, there will be a feeling of satisfaction as all solar plexus chakras are being freed from greed. Beautiful droplets of nectar are replacing the poison as the uncoiling serpents are sucking it away.
Offering: Three bananas in the morning, light a candle morning-evening, accept and share banana prasadam with others. Mentally offer all fragrant flowers, fruits, gems, clothing.
Send all the negative thoughts to the center of the earth, as all energy today will bring power to the lower limbs. Remember to offer something to mother earth – milk, money, water, fertilizer
Mantra to chant:
“Om sarva mangal mangalye shive sarvarath sadhike,
Sharanye triambake gauri narayani namostute

Kushmanda devi manifests eight arms, holding weapons and a rosary (mala), she is seated on a tiger and her aura is like the sun.
Special benediction: This aspect of Devi destroys sorrows of the mind and ego by harmonizing the macro-universe with the inner micro-universe of the individual. This makes available all realms of the external universe to the individual internally through meditation. She is the birthing mother presiding over birth and rebirth. The abode of Kushmanda is in Bhimaparvat.
We see streams of dark orange and golden light and golden drops that end in little drops of golden light entering the spinal column. These act like a spiritual surgical knife, destroying negatives and false ego positions.
This is a good day to meditate on letting go bad habits/activities, asking forgiveness, being in touch with your true inner reality and position in the universe; your relationship with yourself, the universe, others in it and the Divine.
Remind yourself that all power of the self comes through her grace. As the false ego is surrendered – you will get a red blanket of auspicious light covering individuals, homes and place of worship.
Offering: Four pears before 9 am–accept and share with others in the evening; offer candles /lamps morning-evening. Mentally offer all fragrant flowers, fruits, gems, clothing
Mantra to chant:
Mantra to chant:
“Om dukha hantraya namah”

Mantra to chant-
Sinhasangata Nityam Padmashritkardwaya
Shubhdastu Sada Devi Skandmata Yashasvini
chant this mantra 108 times in the morning.
chant this mantra 108 times in the morning.

Chandrahasojjwalkara Shardoolvaravahana
Katyayani Shubham Dadyad Devi Danavaghatini.
Kaalratri Devi has -black skin, flowing dark hair, manifests four hands–she holds a khadag (cleaver) and a burning torch, and the other two hands are protecting and blessing. She sits on a donkey.
Special bendiction: Kaalratri Devi is fearless, the destroyer of darkness and ignorance, she is the scourge of darkness and a reviver, mender of damaged relationships and opportunities. Being auspicious she is called “Shubhamkari.”
We see grey, purplish silver and gold lights activating feet chakra of her devotees–this gives access to the lower universes of darkness destroying negative karma from past lifetimes and also brings energies of protection, fortitude and strength, helping the devotee to become fearless.Negative energies are being processed through the roots of all plants and those not eating grains will specially benefit. The feet and toe chakras are activated to go forward into the light fearlessly and to actualize goals, which were impossible to you and your mind. All the work on this day is in the mind.
Old stuck business activities or opportunities can be revived, resolved, and broken relationships mended, and one becomes famous through the blessings of Kaalratri Devi. Spiritually empowering energies are flowing through her eyes to all beings during this navratri day and night.
Offering: Seven “cheekoo” fruits (sapota or mud apple) in the morning; accept and share in the evening, offer candle/lamp morning and evening. Mentally offer all fragrant flowers, fruits, gems, clothing.All poverty is destroyed and there is wealth for all as you offer rose water on a silver naag /naagin and keep them in your money place.
Kaalratri Devi has -black skin, flowing dark hair, manifests four hands–she holds a khadag (cleaver) and a burning torch, and the other two hands are protecting and blessing. She sits on a donkey.
Special bendiction: Kaalratri Devi is fearless, the destroyer of darkness and ignorance, she is the scourge of darkness and a reviver, mender of damaged relationships and opportunities. Being auspicious she is called “Shubhamkari.”
We see grey, purplish silver and gold lights activating feet chakra of her devotees–this gives access to the lower universes of darkness destroying negative karma from past lifetimes and also brings energies of protection, fortitude and strength, helping the devotee to become fearless.Negative energies are being processed through the roots of all plants and those not eating grains will specially benefit. The feet and toe chakras are activated to go forward into the light fearlessly and to actualize goals, which were impossible to you and your mind. All the work on this day is in the mind.
Old stuck business activities or opportunities can be revived, resolved, and broken relationships mended, and one becomes famous through the blessings of Kaalratri Devi. Spiritually empowering energies are flowing through her eyes to all beings during this navratri day and night.
Offering: Seven “cheekoo” fruits (sapota or mud apple) in the morning; accept and share in the evening, offer candle/lamp morning and evening. Mentally offer all fragrant flowers, fruits, gems, clothing.All poverty is destroyed and there is wealth for all as you offer rose water on a silver naag /naagin and keep them in your money place.
Mahagauri – the eighth form of Navadurga
Mahagauri is the eighth form of Navadurga. She is worshipped on the eighth day or Durgashtami day during Navaratri.Apperance or iconography of Mahagauri Navdurga:Mahagauri is extremely fair in her body complexion. Hence she is compared with the conch and Moon. She is always idolized as eight year old girl. All her garments and ornaments or jewellery she wears are also white. She has four arms hence called as Chaturbhuji. She rides a bullock. She holds a Trishul (trident) with right upper hand and Damaru (drum) with left upper hand. Her both lower hands are in Abhaya and Varada mudra (blessing and boon granting postures). She remains calm and serene.
Spiritual importance of Maha Gowri Navdurga Pooja:Maha gowri puja during Navaratras is very important one for Yogis and sadhaks. Her worship or rememberance or meditation of Mahagowri makes the devotee free from his material world and keeps him stay away from sorrows. She leads her bhakt to the path of virtue.Dhayana Mantram of Mahagauri Mata:

Mahagauri is the eighth form of Navadurga. She is worshipped on the eighth day or Durgashtami day during Navaratri.Apperance or iconography of Mahagauri Navdurga:Mahagauri is extremely fair in her body complexion. Hence she is compared with the conch and Moon. She is always idolized as eight year old girl. All her garments and ornaments or jewellery she wears are also white. She has four arms hence called as Chaturbhuji. She rides a bullock. She holds a Trishul (trident) with right upper hand and Damaru (drum) with left upper hand. Her both lower hands are in Abhaya and Varada mudra (blessing and boon granting postures). She remains calm and serene.
Spiritual importance of Maha Gowri Navdurga Pooja:Maha gowri puja during Navaratras is very important one for Yogis and sadhaks. Her worship or rememberance or meditation of Mahagowri makes the devotee free from his material world and keeps him stay away from sorrows. She leads her bhakt to the path of virtue.Dhayana Mantram of Mahagauri Mata:
Mahagowri dhyana mantram or slokam is recited on the eighth day during Navaratras.
Shwethe vrusha samaarudha shwetambara dharaa shuchih
Mahagauri shubham Dadyaan mahadeva pramodadaa.
-------------------------NINTH DAY OF NAVRATRI
Siddhidatri Maa Kamla is symbol of wealth and worldly happiness. Mother Siddhidatri is capable of rendering all forms of successes to her devotees. According to the Puranas, Lord Shiva achieved salvation by the grace of this deity. The deity is seen sometimes sitting on a lotus and sometimes mounted on a lion. She is four armed. The lower right hand of the Goddess holds a disc and the upper right hand holds a lotus. The lower left hand holds a conch shell and the upper hand holds a Gada. She is worshipped on the ninth day of the Durga puja. Devi Siddhidatri is also known as Devi Lakshmi and her consort is Lord Vishnu.
Siddhidatri dhyana mantra is the best stotra to recite for attaining all types of Siddhis and Nidhis. This mantra is recited on Mahanavami day during Navratri to get blessings of the Goddess. Siddhidatri Navadurga devi is worshipped by sadhaks or Siddhas to acquire all chakras and spiritual procedures with their attentive sadhanas. They develop competendy to conquer the whole world by performing Siddhidhatri pooja.
Nine Modes of Devotion-Devotion of a Friend
Intimacy or call it "devotion of intimacy" is friendship with Sai, knowing the secrets of Sai philosophy, understanding His holy deeds and living in accordance with His words of guidance, having ardent love for Him, realizing His form and living in ecstasy. The characteristics of "intimate devotion" are attending to the works of one's own friend with love, feeling depressed in his absence and yearning to meet him every moment. Sugreeva is a close friend of Sri Rama, while Arjuna was very intimate with Lord Krishna. Seeking their welfare, God granted the duly deserved kingdoms to Sugreeva and the Pandavas.Once Baba said that Shyama, His intimate devotee, had been related to Him in his past seventy two births. Similar to Shyama's abundant love and devotion for Baba, Sai had great love for Shyama and entrusted the responsibility of storing books and articles presented by devotees in safety. Baba had given a copy of Ekanath's Bhagavatham to Shyama and explained that the book would do good to him. Shyama helped several devotees in getting Sai's Grace. Baba always abided by Shyama's word. With this mode of devotion, human sufferings and weaknesses get wiped out and great love for Baba wells up in one's heart. God will be captivated by the love showered by devotees. But, blessed are those souls which get the gift of friendship with Sai.
Siddhidatri dhyana mantra is the best stotra to recite for attaining all types of Siddhis and Nidhis. This mantra is recited on Mahanavami day during Navratri to get blessings of the Goddess. Siddhidatri Navadurga devi is worshipped by sadhaks or Siddhas to acquire all chakras and spiritual procedures with their attentive sadhanas. They develop competendy to conquer the whole world by performing Siddhidhatri pooja.
Siddhidatri Puja and Dhyana Mantra:
Siddha gandharva yakshadhyie asuraira marairapi
Sevya maanaa sadaa bhooyaath siddhidaa Siddhidaayini.
Jai Mata Di!
Siddha gandharva yakshadhyie asuraira marairapi
Sevya maanaa sadaa bhooyaath siddhidaa Siddhidaayini.
Jai Mata Di!

Intimacy or call it "devotion of intimacy" is friendship with Sai, knowing the secrets of Sai philosophy, understanding His holy deeds and living in accordance with His words of guidance, having ardent love for Him, realizing His form and living in ecstasy. The characteristics of "intimate devotion" are attending to the works of one's own friend with love, feeling depressed in his absence and yearning to meet him every moment. Sugreeva is a close friend of Sri Rama, while Arjuna was very intimate with Lord Krishna. Seeking their welfare, God granted the duly deserved kingdoms to Sugreeva and the Pandavas.Once Baba said that Shyama, His intimate devotee, had been related to Him in his past seventy two births. Similar to Shyama's abundant love and devotion for Baba, Sai had great love for Shyama and entrusted the responsibility of storing books and articles presented by devotees in safety. Baba had given a copy of Ekanath's Bhagavatham to Shyama and explained that the book would do good to him. Shyama helped several devotees in getting Sai's Grace. Baba always abided by Shyama's word. With this mode of devotion, human sufferings and weaknesses get wiped out and great love for Baba wells up in one's heart. God will be captivated by the love showered by devotees. But, blessed are those souls which get the gift of friendship with Sai.
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