Jai Maata di!Om Nama Shivaya!
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People with undeviating devotion will never deflect their minds from the thought of God and will never forget Him even when they face troubled times or losses. Those who seek God for mere fulfillment of physical desires and wealth will lose confidence the moment the tide turns against them. As long as we have plenty of money, people flock us and pose as intimate well-wishers. In trying times, no one would come to our rescue. In such bad times, even our health might get deteriorated as if the God is testing us. Unmindful of these set-backs, if one prays with firm faith to Baba, the troubles will melt away, much like the mist melting away in the rays of the rising Sun. When difficulties engulf you, you should not feel frightened and dejected. Fill your heart with faith in God and pray to Him. At that hour, Baba showers His Grace on you like the beams of light to dispel darkness. Here, your duty is to wait patiently. Let us not lose hope or get disheartened that Baba did not help us at the hour of crisis. Let us sincerely believe that Baba will remove all the troubles which are a result of our past deeds and the All-Merciful Baba paves a golden path for our bright future. This strong faith alone drives away all our fears. Therefore, never lose faith in Baba even if the Heavens fall on you.

Every individual possesses a combination of some good and bad qualities. We must try to get rid of negative qualities and attempt to cultivate noble ones. It is a common experience that we all face both favourable and adverse times. God has given freedom to us to either choose a good environment and strive to cultivate good qualities or yield to temptations. Baba leaves the choice to us whether we swim against the fury of the water current or glide along the smooth current. Our minds get fortified if we choose the right path and walk on it. When we tread the right path, Baba empowers our minds to live boldly and gladly. Even Baba energizes us with His Spirit-Power.We will surely get the due returns to our firm faith, right frame of thoughts and discipline. One who swims against the powerful current with iron will and faith in God will certainly reach the destination. Baba, God Incarnate, moulds our characters, fills our souls with His Holy Spirit, enthuses and shapes our destinies for good. Just as ebb and flow and whirlwinds are unavoidable in an ocean, troubles and problems are quite common in life. To overcome all these factors with determination and courage, the four-lettered miraculous word, "BABA" is enough to eliminate our weaknesses.

Everyone wants to earn a good reputation and in this quest one tries to earn huge amounts and desires to spend a happy life with family. But the effort or means must be as noble as our objective is. However, the major weakness in man is his greed to make easy money. Such greedy people resort to any sort of illegal and deceitful means. But, God will always help those people walking on the right path and even if they make a mistake, Baba will safeguard and set right such of His devotees. A greedy person thought of getting rich over-night by betting in horse race. In the process he lost lots of money and did not pay heed to the pleading of his better-half. With tears, the humble woman begged Baba to break her husband's habit. Can things go against the will of God? In the early hours, a little girl came to the house of the horse-betting person and sought alms. Begging for a morsel of food, she narrated how her horse-betting father lost everything and fled home with huge debts to repay. The very thought that his children too may meet the same fate frightened him. He realized how ruinous his bad habit was. He repented and begged Baba to forgive and free him from that evil habit. If by chance there are any Baba's devotees, Baba will help them in one or the other way. Yes, one heart-felt cry and fervent prayer is enough for Baba to bless us and promote good in us.

Thursday, 28th October`2010
Shirdi Sansthan's Bolt can soon fall upon some Sai Baba Temple's all over the country. According to the Sansthan many temple's are misleading devotees of Sai Baba by making Baba's fake Samadhi's in their Temple's.
Shirdi Sansthan's Bolt can soon fall upon some Sai Baba Temple's all over the country. According to the Sansthan many temple's are misleading devotees of Sai Baba by making Baba's fake Samadhi's in their Temple's.

Shirdi is the place where Baba spent his Life.
Shirdi is the holy place where Baba took Maha-Samadhi.
But, there are a few who are taking advantage of the faith Baba's devotees have in Baba.All over the country, many Sai Temple's have built Baba's Samadhi at par with the original Samadhi in Shirdi.Shirdi Sansthan has planned to take stern action against such individuals or institutions, who are using Baba's name to mislead people or who have made Sai Baba's Fake Samadhi's.According to Shri.Ashok Khambekar, Trustee Shirdi Sansthan, Baba took Samadhi on 15th Oct`1918 in Shirdi itself ,and so Baba's Samadhi is only in Shirdi and no where else in the world. And it has come to their attention that some Sai Temple's in Pune, Dehradun, Hyderabad and Bengaluru, have made a replica of Baba's Samadhi, together with Baba's Idol, which is wrong and that action will be taken against them.The Sansthan said that by making such fake Samadhi's, people are playing with the sentiment's of the Baba's devotees and the Sansthan doesn't want Baba's Samadhi to be disgraced in any manner. They have also appealed to the people to beware of any such Fake people or institutions.What triggered this action, was the fact, that the self proclaimed Sai Disciple "Ichchadhari Baba", who was arrested in Delhi's sex scandal, had built a Samadhi of Shirdi Sai Baba in his Ashram. And after, this fake Baba got busted, the Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan has planned to take stern action against such individuals or institutions, who have made Sai Baba's Fake Samadhi's everywhere.

The Sai Baba Sansthan Trust of Shirdi is unhappy with the Shirgaon replica of Sai Baba's Samadhi. It has threatened the Shirgaon Trust with legal action and has asked them to remove Baba's Pratisamadhi. Various politicians of Shirdi have said that they would agitate against the Shirgaon Trust and, if needed, physically remove Baba's Pratisamadhi. However, the Shirgaon Trust has declined to comply with the Shirdi Trust’s demands.Shirgaon is gradually gaining ground because of the Sai Baba Temple. Hundreds of devotees now flock to pray at Baba's Pratisamadhi. In fact, Shirgaon’s popularity on account of the replica, led to the name Pratishirdi, or the replica of Shirdi. It is situated near Somatane on the Pune-Mumbai highway, around 30 km from the city. Many devotees from Pune go there, as it saves a lot of time. The Sai Baba temple in Shirgaon was established on June 11, 2003. Shri.Prakash Deole, a former member of the State Legislative Council from the Shiv Sena, had established this Temple. Deole said that over one lakh devotees visit Pratishirdi annually. The controversy fell out into the open last week after Shri.Jayant Sasane, the chairman of the Saibaba Sansthan Trust told the Shirgaon trust to remove the Pratisamadhi from its temple.
Pratishirdi at Shirgaon
Pratishirdi at Shirgaon
Pratishirdi does a good job of making one feel as if one is in the real Shirdi temple. There is a Gurusthan at the entrance with a neem tree in the centre. The Temple’s layout, Samadhi and Sai Baba's Statue resembles the structure in Shirdi.


More Breaking News related to Shirdi
23rd Oct`2010 MUMBAI:
In less than two years, Sai Baba devotees can hope to cut down on their 8- to 12-hour travel time to Shirdi and instead, Fly over there in just a matter of half-an-hour, even as the Union environment ministry gave the nod for an Airport to be constructed 13 km from Shirdi. "The experts appraisal committee (EAC) of the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF)
lauded our presentation on the airport, made some suggestions and announced clearance to the project," said Maharashtra Airport Development Company Ltd (MADCL) General Manager Ramesh Yaool. "The Naresh Dayal-led committee sanctioned out project
and told us to download the formal clearance letter from the MoEF website in a month." The Airport, which is estimated to cost around Rs 340 crore, will come up on a 340-hectare land. While Rs 40 crore will be contributed by the state government, Rs 100 crore will come from the Shirdi Temple Trust. Devotees from across the country, have promised another Rs 150 crore. "We hope to finish the process of appointing developers in three months and start the constructions by March, next year. In the next 15 months, we want to complete the first phase of the Airport that will be able to handle up to 1,000 flyers a day. The next phase should be finished by 2013, when 3,000 passengers can use the airport every day," the GM said. The runway of the Airport will be 3,200 to 3,600 m long and will be fit for the landing of big aircraft. According to Jayant Sasane, chairman of the Trust, once the flights started, Shirdi could witness around 3,000 devotees from Pune, Mumbai and Nashik every day. "It is good news for us and we hope that the first flight would land by 2012," said Sasane.
lauded our presentation on the airport, made some suggestions and announced clearance to the project," said Maharashtra Airport Development Company Ltd (MADCL) General Manager Ramesh Yaool. "The Naresh Dayal-led committee sanctioned out project
and told us to download the formal clearance letter from the MoEF website in a month." The Airport, which is estimated to cost around Rs 340 crore, will come up on a 340-hectare land. While Rs 40 crore will be contributed by the state government, Rs 100 crore will come from the Shirdi Temple Trust. Devotees from across the country, have promised another Rs 150 crore. "We hope to finish the process of appointing developers in three months and start the constructions by March, next year. In the next 15 months, we want to complete the first phase of the Airport that will be able to handle up to 1,000 flyers a day. The next phase should be finished by 2013, when 3,000 passengers can use the airport every day," the GM said. The runway of the Airport will be 3,200 to 3,600 m long and will be fit for the landing of big aircraft. According to Jayant Sasane, chairman of the Trust, once the flights started, Shirdi could witness around 3,000 devotees from Pune, Mumbai and Nashik every day. "It is good news for us and we hope that the first flight would land by 2012," said Sasane.
Shirdi: On 23rd Oct`2010,
Sai Devotees Mr & Mrs.Gupta from Delhi,
offered a Gold Necklace worth Rs 8.5 lakhs to Sai Baba at Shirdi along-with Rs.2 lakhs. They said that everything they had was because of Baba and so they had come to Shirdi to offer their gratitude in-return.
offered a Gold Necklace worth Rs 8.5 lakhs to Sai Baba at Shirdi along-with Rs.2 lakhs. They said that everything they had was because of Baba and so they had come to Shirdi to offer their gratitude in-return.
Source: Sahara Mumbai
11th October`2010
A Sai Devotee from Jaipur 'Shri Arjun Prajapati' recently donated White Marble to the Sai Baba Temple at Shirdi, for the flooring of the inside portion of Dwarkamai where Baba's Grinding stone, Bag of Wheat & the Water-pot of Teertha Jal are kept. (Not the Courtyard area where Baba's Sitting Stone, Cooking Hearth or his Wooden post are present)Devotees Abbhinav Joharri and Rajendra Prajapati each, got a Tile of Marble Blessed at Baba's Samadhi first.
The Flooring work was completed in time for Sai Baba's Punyatithi Celebrations`2010.
See this news on Video at
The reason to fear about the future lies in our feeling of insecurity. There is no need for fear if we completely rely on Baba. God would look after our 'tomorrow', once we cast the responsibility on Him. In right spirit we can take anything we receive today, be it pleasure or pain. Likewise, God might avert our troubles of tomorrow or might as well provide the mental stamina to face them. It would be foolish to worry about them much in advance, because, it is the very God who writes every chapter in the book of life from the prologue to epilogue. Hence, every page is meaningful. It would be enough to trust His feet. When we have unflinching faith in Baba, He would protect us much like a father who shields His children. He even teaches us the essence of life as a father would to his children.An astrologer predicted that Tendulkar's son would fail in his examinations as foretold in his horoscope. But his wife went to Shirdi and implored Baba for His Grace. Baba said 'with trust in Me, let him write the exam'. Tendulkar's son wrote the exam with faith in Baba and came out in flying colors. We too can ignore a matter once we leave it to Baba saying, 'Baba! It's upto You as to how You will solve the problem'. We can keep children around and enjoy narrating them the Leelas of Baba. Our faith in Baba will stand us in good stead.
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