Jai Maata di!Om Nama Shivaya!
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh !
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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

His father, Mehta Kalyan Das Bedi, popularly shortened to Kalu Mehta was the patwari (accountant) of crop revenue for the village of Talwandi in the employment of a Muslim landlord of that area, Rai Bular Bhatti. Guru Nanak’s mother was Tripta Devi and he had one elder sister, Bebe Nanaki.

According to Janam Sakhis, when Daulta Dai, the maid nurse was offered money, she refused it on the plea that she had already been rewarded by the very glimpse of the holy baby. Guru Nanak gave his first message that he belong to God and would exert the people to worship His Name. Bhai Nand lal ji has well said that Guru Nanak was asked by the Almighty to turn the face of humanity towards Him.

When Nanak was a little boy, his parents decided it was time for him to go to school. The teacher knew that when nanak was born an astrologer had predicted that he would be a great man. At school he remembered the whole alphabet on the first day. The teacher saw this and believed the child was very special. So he continued to teach everything to this special boy .Nanak quickly learned whatever the teacher said. He only wanted to chant God’s name. Sometimes the teacher would leave the students and they were supposed to write down the alphabet to try and remember it. Nanak would tell all his friends about God and about chanting the Naam. When the teacher would come back all the kids would be meditating instead of doing their homework. The teacher said, “Nanak, have you written the alphabet?” and Nanak showed the teacher what he had written .

When Nanak was older, but before he was a teenager, his parents decided it was time for him to do the ceremony that Hindu boys do to become men. When a boy comes of age, a huge ceremony is made in honor of him. This was their family tradition. They had a family priest to give him a thread that was imbued with powerful, ancient mantras. The thread was called a janeo. He was supposed to wear this thread over his shoulder for his whole life and it would help him meditate and it would mean that he is high caste and not low caste. People used to believe that everyone was born high or low. If a person is low caste, they can never do great things and they can never really know God. All they can do is lowly tasks.
Now if this thread ever broke, Nanak would have to get another sone put on, so he would always have the remembrance of God. It would be a sign of honor that he belonged to the high caste.
His father called the whole family and their friends and guests. Everyone came to participate in this special ceremony. It was a very important occasion. Nanak always wondered why people do different ceremonies and rituals when God is inside of everyone. When all the guests had gathered, the priest explained, “Now you will be a true high-caste Brahman. This thread, this ‘janeo’, is the foundation of our religion. If you wear it, you shall not be a low caste person. You can become great and happiness will come to you in this world and the afterworld. It will always remind you of God.”
The child Nanak was both rebellious and wise, so he refused to put on the thread.
He told the priest, “I can remember God without a thread. When someone dies, they leave their body and this sacred thread behind. Only the soul goes on. If you could give me something that goes with my soul, I will wear that.”
When Pandit Hardyal asked Guru Nanak again, to put on the Janeo, he refused to have the thread that discriminated amongst mankind. The Janeo which was made of the silk for a brahmin, of cotton for a khatri, of wool for a Vaish and which was strictly abondoned for Shudara. And again which is three folds for brahmin, two folds for Khatri and only one fold for Vaish.
He asked the Pandit if he had the thread made of compassion the cotton, contentment the yarn, continence the knot and purity the twist, he was ready to wear it. The Pandit was dumb-founded :
The priest said, “This is an ancient ritual passed down in the most sacred writings. Dear child, you are very young, do you think you are wiser than we priests!? If you wear this thread you can be a man of God.” The beloved child started saying things which the adults could not understand. He said, “People do so many bad things and then they think if they put on a thread they are men of God. This thread will break and a new one will have to be put on. This kind of thread will get old and fall apart”
Now the priest got angry. Mehta Kalu, Nanak’s father got angry too. We was very embarrassed because all the guests were there. His father thought, “What is he doing? If he doesn’t wear a thread, how will he be successful? How will he find a good woman to marry? How will he make a living. He’ll just be a low caste person!”
The angry priest, not expecting a good answer asked, ”Well than child, what kind of thread would go with your soul?”
Nanak said, “Meditating on the Naam is how to wear a true thread. Meditating on the Naam brings honor and grace. The Naam will go with the soul and will never break. The Naam can go with us into God’s house.”
A lot of people didn’t know what to think about what he said. A lot of people wore threads their whole lives. But Nanak only believed in truth and not in doing something because everyone else did it. He loved the Truth and he spoke the Truth. And sure enough, Nanak remembered God his whole life without a thread. He lived the Truth! The highest thing is living the Truth.
The life and activities of Guru Nanak were remarkable from early childhood.
His father was keen that his son should adopt a respectable and lucrative profession. At the age of 12, his father wanted him to be a trader and thus gave him 20 rupees and asked him to use the given money to strike some good and profitable bargain. Instead of doing so, Guru Ji, bought food with the money he had, and distributed everything among the sadhus, who had not eaten anything for days. When his father asked him what happened to the money? He replied that he had done a "True business" by feeding the hungry holy men. Nanak knew that whatever we can give to people in need we should. Whatever we can do to serve holy people, no matter what it costs, is well worth it. He said “This is the real profit - serving others.”His father was angry that his son had wasted the money, but his elder sister, Nanki, stood by her dear brother and strongly defended his actions.
Such noble actions of the young Nanak and his refusal to hoard worldly wealth indicated that he was no ordinary man, but one who was destined to be the Guru, the spiritual teacher of mankind. Today, at the place where Guru Nanak Dev Ji had fed the poor, stands a Gurdwara named, Sacha Sauda.
Story about Guru Nanak and the Cobra
When Nanak was a child he loved to meditate on God. Even when he was sleeping, he was with God. Once he fell asleep under a tree. The tree was shading his face from the sun. As the day passed the sun moved and the tree couldn’t protect Nanak’s face from the sun. His skin was going to get burned by the hot sun. When someone is with God they are actually with everything there is, because God is in everything. All the animals, birds, fishes and even snakes are reminded of God around a person of God.
When the child Nanak was sleeping under a tree a big poisonous snake called a cobra saw him. It was a really big cobra with a huge hood. The cobra saw Nanak in his divine sleep and noticed something. The sun moved so the tree wasn’t giving shade to the child anymore. The cobra thought, “I wouldn’t want him to wake up becausssse of the hot ssssun! We are all here to sssserve God’s people. Thissss boy issss very holy and I shall sssserve him. The cobra spread it’s hood over this great child to give shade from the hot sun.
While the cobra was hovering over him like this, someone came riding by on a horse. It was Rai Bular who was the head of the village. He thought, “Dear God! There is a huge cobra over Nanak. I must go and rescue him from being bitten. That child is very special, I have to protect him!” As Rai Bular rode over to rescue Nanak, he noticed something odd. He felt how the child was in a divine sleep and the cobra seemed like he was meditating too. Rai, Bhullar thought, “It doesn’t seem like a dangerous situation, it actually looks like a peaceful scene. The snake was just making a shadow for him with his hood spread out and hedidn’t move in as though he was going to bite. Not only was the snakenot going to harm Nanak, he was actually protecting Nanak from the sun. Great are the saints of God!
When Rai Bular saw this he felt overwhelmed. It was so beautiful and precious! It was so sweet and sacred. It was so amazing. He never forgot that day. He always loved Nanak very much.
[Will continue with the stories and teachings of Guru Nanak] Guru Nanak clearly says: "The road to the abode of God is long and arduous. There are no short cuts for rich people. Everyone must undergo the same discipline. Everyone must purify his mind through service of humanity and Nama Smarana. How to find Him? There is one way. Make His will your own. Be in tune with the Infinite. There is no other way."
[Will continue with the stories and teachings of Guru Nanak]
Our Happiness is the Happiness of God
God is Ever-New Joy. The Upanishads declared it as, "Bliss is God". His desire is to keep His children always happy. Baba is the one who grants perennial bliss by not allowing grief and despair to grab us. If we have the heart to see Baba, the mundane sorrows, troubles and illusionary fears cannot torment us in any way. It is God alone who can rescue us from this illusion and liberate us from all sins. Many people presume that God is the root-cause of their miseries. But, if we open our eyes and see the birds making pleasant sounds at dawn, the golden light of the sun, the full-bloomed flowers, the spreading of aroma, which are all but the creation of God only. We need to have eyes to enjoy the beautiful nature and the variety of species living in it. By whom and for what purpose was such a wonderful nature created except to please our hearts with ecstatic delight? It is our Father-God Baba who created the nature to delight us all. But, ignoring God's beautiful creation of the Universe for our sake, we are cultivating selfish desires and evil designs. Mirages cannot quench our real thirst. Likewise, short-lived pleasures cannot provide eternal bliss. Why can't we develop undeviating devotion for God and fill our hearts with the joy of His form. Nothing delights Baba as we share His Ever-New Joy with one and all.
“God is one, but he has innumerable forms. He is the creator of all and He himself takes the human form.”
Shri Shirdi Sai speaks-23rd Nov/Pir Lal Shahbaaz Qalander/English translation of 'Dama dam mast kalandar' @ http://goo.gl/fb/VaG27
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