Jai Maata di!Om Nama Shivaya!
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Learn to make sweets this Diwali-

May you, your family, relatives and friends be blessed with Prosperity , Happiness and bountiful fortune.
With lots of good wishes and good luck
Deepa H & family

Devotees believe that purchasing any new things on Dhanteras brings luck and charm to them. In the evening, Lakshmi Puja is performed in tremendous atmosphere dedicated to the Goddess.

In battles that followed this incident, Devas were defeated and Asuras (demons) led by king Bali gained control of the universe. Devas sought help from god Vishnu who advised them to treat asuras in a diplomatic manner. Devas formed an alliance with asuras to jointly churn the ocean for the nectar of immortality and to share it among them. However, Lord Vishnu told Devas that he would arrange that they alone obtain the nectar.
The churning of the Ocean of Milk was an elaborate process. Mount Mandaranchal was used as the dasher (churning tool), and Vasuki, the king of serpents, became the churning rope. The gods held the tail of the snake, while the demons (Asuras) held its head, and they pulled on it alternately causing the mountain to rotate, which in turn churned the ocean. However, once the mountain was placed on the ocean, it began to sink. Vishnu in his second incarnation, in the form of a turtle Kurma, came to their rescue and supported the mountain on his back.
During the Samudra Mathan by the gods and demons, a pot of poison, Halahala, also came out of the ocean. This terrified the gods and demons because the poison was so toxic that it might have destroyed all of creation. On the advice of Vishnu, gods approached Shiva for help and protection. Out of compassion for living beings, Shiva swallowed the poison and held it in his throat. It was so potent that it changed the color of Shiva's neck to blue. For this reason, he is also called Neelakantha (the blue-necked one, neela = is a Sanskrit word for "blue", kantha = "throat").
Vagh Barash – Dedicated to Cow and other domesticated animals in Gujarat
During the Samudra Mathan by the gods and demons, a pot of poison, Halahala, also came out of the ocean. This terrified the gods and demons because the poison was so toxic that it might have destroyed all of creation. On the advice of Vishnu, gods approached Shiva for help and protection. Out of compassion for living beings, Shiva swallowed the poison and held it in his throat. It was so potent that it changed the color of Shiva's neck to blue. For this reason, he is also called Neelakantha (the blue-necked one, neela = is a Sanskrit word for "blue", kantha = "throat").
All kinds of herbs were cast into the ocean and fourteen Ratnas (gems or treasures) were produced from the ocean and were divided between asuras and gods.
After that in the midst of the waves of the sea of milk, a goddess with heavenly looks came into view. She was standing on a fully blossomed lotus. Wearing a lotus garland in the neck, she was holding a lotus in her hand. She was attractive and was radiantly smiling, she was Lakshmi.
The sages began reciting hymns in praise of her. Gandharvas sang. Apsaras danced. The elephants on either side sprinkled sacred holy Ganga water on the goddess and bathed her. Because the elephants sprinkled holy water on her, she acquired the name of Gajalakshmi. Because she was born in the sea of milk, she was called Samudratanya. The king of the sea appeared in his natural form and comforted Lakshmi as a daughter. He presented her with attractive clothes and jewels. He handed to her a garland of lotus flowers. While everybody was looking in surprise, Lakshmi put the garland around the neck of Vishnu. Then she looked at Indra kindly, he acquired an extraordinary radiance.
The gods and demons continued to churn the ocean for Amrut or nectar, Finally Dhanavantri emerged carrying a jar of the elixir (ambrosia). Both the asuras and the devas wanted the ambrosia, but finally Vishnu managed to give the immortal nectar to the gods and the asuras where defeated. Thus the churning of the ocean resulted in the immortality of the devas and was the reason for Lakshmi's emergence.
Vasubaras – Dedicated to Cow in Maharashtra
The sages began reciting hymns in praise of her. Gandharvas sang. Apsaras danced. The elephants on either side sprinkled sacred holy Ganga water on the goddess and bathed her. Because the elephants sprinkled holy water on her, she acquired the name of Gajalakshmi. Because she was born in the sea of milk, she was called Samudratanya. The king of the sea appeared in his natural form and comforted Lakshmi as a daughter. He presented her with attractive clothes and jewels. He handed to her a garland of lotus flowers. While everybody was looking in surprise, Lakshmi put the garland around the neck of Vishnu. Then she looked at Indra kindly, he acquired an extraordinary radiance.
The gods and demons continued to churn the ocean for Amrut or nectar, Finally Dhanavantri emerged carrying a jar of the elixir (ambrosia). Both the asuras and the devas wanted the ambrosia, but finally Vishnu managed to give the immortal nectar to the gods and the asuras where defeated. Thus the churning of the ocean resulted in the immortality of the devas and was the reason for Lakshmi's emergence.
Thus ,People all over the nation celebrate this day by renovating their houses or business places for the sake of prosperity and wealth welcoming the goddess laxmi.
Dhanvantri Jayanti – Appearance day of God DhanvantriAs per his horoscope he was doomed to die by a snake-bite on the fourth day of his marriage. On that particular fourth day of his marriage his young wife did not allow him to sleep. She laid all the ornaments and lots of gold and silver coins in a big heap at the entrance of her husband’s boudoir and lighted innumerable lamps all over the place. And she went on telling stories and singing songs. When Yam, the god of death arrived there in the guise of a serpent his eyes got blinded by that dazzle of those brilliant lights and he could not enter the prince’s chamber. So he climbed on top of the heap of the ornaments and coins and sat there whole night listening to the melodious songs. In the morning he quietly went away.
Thus the young wife saved her husband from the clutches of death. Since then this day of Dhanteras came to be known as the day of "YAMADEEPDAAN" and lamps are kept burning throughout the night in reverential adoration to Yam, the god of death.
The inner significance of Diwali is that it is a joyful celebration of the victory of good over evil, of our spiritual qualities dominating our basic instincts, intellect and ego. Light is a universal symbol of spirituality. Thus bringing more light into our homes and therefore our lives symbolizes each of us becoming a more spiritual person.
The light of the soul can transform our baser qualities of greed, distrust and hatred into selfless giving, trust and helpfulness. It can inspire us to be consistent in our efforts to progress on the path of spiritual unfoldment. And it can reveal to us our true identity as immortal souls living and growing in the great school of earthly experience.
Today November 3, 2010 First Day of Diwali Celebrations –
Thus the young wife saved her husband from the clutches of death. Since then this day of Dhanteras came to be known as the day of "YAMADEEPDAAN" and lamps are kept burning throughout the night in reverential adoration to Yam, the god of death.

The light of the soul can transform our baser qualities of greed, distrust and hatred into selfless giving, trust and helpfulness. It can inspire us to be consistent in our efforts to progress on the path of spiritual unfoldment. And it can reveal to us our true identity as immortal souls living and growing in the great school of earthly experience.

Important Rituals and Pujas Here are the list of pujas, rituals and festivals that are observed on November 3, 2010 by different Hindu communities in India .
Dhanteras – Lakshmi Puja (only by some Hindu communities) and auspicious day to make investments.
Dhantrayodashi – Another name of Dhanteras and lighting of lamps for Yama
Yampanchak – Diwali in Nepal begins
Tihar Festival – Diwali in Nepal begins
Govatsa Dwadasi – Dedicated to Cow in GujaratYampanchak – Diwali in Nepal begins
Tihar Festival – Diwali in Nepal begins
Yama Deepdan – Lighting of lamps for Yama

Ego and arrogance will lead to the fall of a man. If we seek refuge in God with confessions, even the most heinous crimes will be burnt to ashes. True confession means repenting for the sins done earlier and resolving not to repeat them. God knows a sincere heart. Those who regret sincerely will be much disturbed with their sins, seek Baba's shelter and beg for the spiritual alms. Then, their sins get destroyed in the divine contemplation and the earnest souls receive the grace of God. The Almighty will illumine them with right thoughts.Some deceptive people claim themselves to be the paragons of moral values and ethical conduct and assume inwardly that they are the ideal men. They think that their crimes are not so big and need not take refuge at the Feet of Baba. Such people who feign honesty and pray to God to destroy the incidental sins will not be graced by Baba and are never allowed near. Since their minds are bloated with ego and pride, they will either be in a mood to receive what Baba wants to give or try to understand and apply Baba's teachings for their good. Thus, Baba did not permit the arrogant inside Dwarakamayi. Only when their minds get purified by sincere repentance, Baba would permit them into His darbar. So, upon our ardent longing to belong to Baba only, we are assured of living in His Presence.
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