Jai Maata di!Om Nama Shivaya!
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“Very fortunate is the one who has learned to admire, but not to envy.”
For the people who believe in the Omnipresent God, the entire world will stand in support. They are not alone. When we have the treasure of God's love with us, what more is needed? Believing in God, wherever we are, we will be in His safe hands. God is eternal. It depends on our point of view to speak about His existence or non-existence. God will be with us only when we believe in His presence and dwell in His consciousness. As long as we are devoid of His consciousness and float in the earthly thoughts, He is not visible to us. Just because Baba has not appeared the moment we thought of Him, can we say that He is non-existing? He is in His Divine State of Ever-New Delight. It is, indeed, our folly not to remember Him and should not think that Baba did give us up. He will not desert his devotees once He holds them in His Hand.Baba makes us come closer to Him when we try to move away from Him. It may take some time, but Baba will be behind our back and will draw us closer to Him. It is our weak faith that causes delays, and not Baba. Our assumption of being alone is caused by our failure to acknowledge God in the form of Baba. Hence, we should behold Baba in our inward eye and hold Him in our heart. We should beseech Baba to always remain in our minds and lead us by His hand.
"If you are wealthy, be humble. Plants bend when they bear fruit". ~
Shirdi Sai Baba ( ? - 1918)
The wise say that one should live like a dew-drop on a lotus leaf. God created the lotus leaf in such a manner that it does not get wet by the dew-drop. The lesson that the dew-drop on a lotus leaf teaches us is that we, made up of five elements are part of maya, should live unaffected by illusion (maya). Great souls descended on the earth in the form of noble teachers, the pious fakirs, saints and lived among us. They set an example to us as to how to live in the world of illusion, like a dew-drop on a lotus leaf. If Lord Rama grieved for his wife Sita or ordered her to pass the test of fire, it was only to uphold the dharma of monogamy of His time, not for Himself. Lord Krishna consumed butter and sand, got Himself balanced with basil leaves, bowed to Satyabhama or uttered lie only to uphold the Truth and not for His personal end. Likewise, Sadguru Sai begged alms, took money as dakshina, played marbles with kids, feigned anger only for the welfare of the world or good of His devotees. The leelas, miracles of Sai, as recorded in the Sai Satcharitra, reveal the secrets of the Supreme Spirit and Divine Delight and guide us live without getting touched by illusion, live like a dew-drop on a lotus leaf-though we live in the world of dualities of joy and sorrow, we learn to rise above them in the light of the life of Sadguru Sainath.In the journey of crossing over the ocean of worldly life, the stories of Baba are like the light-house guiding our lives. When situations are gloomy and uncertain, they show the path of light to those who trust in Baba. Whether asked or not, Baba used to guide with His parables and tales. If one recalls those stories, they will help us correct our behaviour and like beams of light in darkness, they lead us. They send warning signals so that we may not slip into pit-falls of troubles. Chanting His name and meditating on Him with devotion will ensure that our legitimate desires are fulfilled. By listening to Baba's stories or by singing psalms in His Glory, our mind feels pleased and feels at rest in peace. Those who keep Baba in their minds and worship Him with deep love and devotion will experience enduring bliss. The light-house will be in the middle of the ocean and shows way to the travelers in boats and ships. Aided with its light, the destination is easily reached without hurdles. Likewise, the stories of Baba show us the way, like a light-house, in our worldly ocean of life and helps us sail smoothly. The stories of Baba are very inspiring and by listening, understanding and following them, we can get rid of our arrogance. The easiest of all the ways to Self-liberation is to listen to Baba's stories and sing hymns, psalms or devotional songs of His Glory.

None dies, See with your inner eye. Then you realise that you are God, and not different from Him. Like wornout garment, the body is cast-away by God

We have to protect this God-gifted body for performing righteous duties. Thus, it is the duty of a house-holder to give something, without saying 'no', to whosoever asks. By giving alms to the beggars, our sins get absolved. Thus, it is a truth that receivers do good to the donors by accepting alms. Baba used to explain everyone to donate as much as possible. We might not have enough resources to donate to whoever asks for something. In such a case we have to express our inability in a polite manner.One day a beggar woman came to the house of Nana Chandorkar. She was not satisfied with what was given to her as alms and she pestered the house-holder for more. She was not convinced even after repeated explanations. Nana lost his temper and angrily shouted at her to 'be content with what is given or else I will neck you out'. Baba who is present everywhere is aware of every happening in the world. When Nana came to Shirdi, after some days, Baba pretended anger saying, 'what have I to do with one who does not listen to My words'. Baba used to feign anger only to make His devotees move on the right path and He never approved a devotee to criticize or abuse a person. He used to inculcate the spirit of helping everyone and to groom good manners. When our hearts are filled with the spirit of service, God showers His blessings on us.
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