Jai Maata di!Om Nama Shivaya!
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh !
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When the 25 m (82 ft) pedestal/building it is placed upon is taken into account, the monument has a total height of 153 m (502 ft).
The Spring Temple Buddha derives its name from the nearby Tianrui hot spring, which spews water at 60 °C and is renowned in the area for its curative properties.
As of October 2008, the hill on which the statue stands is being reshaped to form 2 further pedestals, the upper one being 15 m tall. The total height of the monument is now said to be 208 m
Plans for its construction were announced soon after construction had begun on the Maitreya Project by Indian and British planners in Bihar, Northern India, which set out to be the world's largest statue itself.
The project as a whole was estimated to cost around $55m, $18m of which being spent on the statue. It was originally estimated to consist of 1,100 pieces of copper cast, with a total weight of 1,000 tonnes
Plans of the construction of the Spring Temple Buddha were announced soon after the blowing up of the Bamiyan Buddhas by the Taliban in Afghanistan. China has condemned the systematic destruction of the Buddhist heritage of Afghanistan.
My humble pranams to this Great Vairocana Buddha at the Spring temple in Henan , China. May He shower His kind grace on all of us and bless us all with eternal peace , joy and contentment.
Kite Points the Path to Success
The will of Almighty God and collective human effort are the two ingredients of success. A kite flies high in the sky. Why does the kite fly at such a height? The boy flying the kite would instantly reply "Yes, I am the cause for letting the kite fly high". Will the wind be silent? It will counter with the words 'I'. 'It is I alone who am showing right direction and causing it to fly'. The long string in the boy's hand will interrupt and say, "If I am snapped, what does the air do and how can the kite fly? I am the propeller for the kite to fly", so saying it would retaliate. Immediately, the tail of the kite fluttering at the bottom would quibble "what's the use of all of you, I alone did keep it right and it is all due to my effort that the kite does not turn upside down". Yes, for the kite to fly in the air, tail, string and the hand are all equally important.The five fingers folded together make a powerful fist. However arduous the task might be, success can be achieved by collective effort. It is made possible only when everyone shoulders equal responsibility with an honest intent. We, the humans, must know our duty and responsibility and strive to accomplish it with unity, co-ordination and sincerity. Just as a long string makes the kite fly, so does the love of Baba forms the support and the base to our labour and ensures our success

The will of Almighty God and collective human effort are the two ingredients of success. A kite flies high in the sky. Why does the kite fly at such a height? The boy flying the kite would instantly reply "Yes, I am the cause for letting the kite fly high". Will the wind be silent? It will counter with the words 'I'. 'It is I alone who am showing right direction and causing it to fly'. The long string in the boy's hand will interrupt and say, "If I am snapped, what does the air do and how can the kite fly? I am the propeller for the kite to fly", so saying it would retaliate. Immediately, the tail of the kite fluttering at the bottom would quibble "what's the use of all of you, I alone did keep it right and it is all due to my effort that the kite does not turn upside down". Yes, for the kite to fly in the air, tail, string and the hand are all equally important.The five fingers folded together make a powerful fist. However arduous the task might be, success can be achieved by collective effort. It is made possible only when everyone shoulders equal responsibility with an honest intent. We, the humans, must know our duty and responsibility and strive to accomplish it with unity, co-ordination and sincerity. Just as a long string makes the kite fly, so does the love of Baba forms the support and the base to our labour and ensures our success
GOD smiled n replied " A bird in sky is my love and a bird in a cage is your love ".
GOD replied:: You see me in every one & life will automatically be happy..
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