Om Sai Ram
Its amazing to know how technology plays a major role in our lives. During my college days, I never had a cell phone but today mobile phones have become a necessity for most of us. From a growing teenager to a senior citizen , most of us carry a cell phone. I bought my very first cell phone abt 14-15 yrs ago and since then over the years , I have changed many cell phones and every time I get a new device- it excites me to experience the latest technology. Several months ago, I bought an android phone which has 7 home screens and for todays mail- I thought it would be great to share with all of you the wonderful apps that I have on one of my home screens. Just like I have made a small temple in my house- I have also transformed one of my home screens in to a temple. When ever I am alone driving, or working out in the gym or taking care of my daily chores- I go to that particular home screen and start listening /reciting ,- one be one - all my fav mantras.Infact I set my morning alarm in a way where I wake up with the sound of the shank and the sacred mantras. So for all those of you who have internet connected on their cell phones or have a blackberry, iphone, android phone, etc. These are a few apps which will surely help you to lower your stress in life and at the same time feel the bliss of positive energy around you.
Here are some of the apps that I have on one of my home screens.
To install them on your cell- go to the market app on your cell and search for an app either by the below names or Backyardsoft .
All these apps are free and they are simply fantastic.[Below are the screenshots]
Deepa H
Lord Ganesha Temple
This application helps Lord Ganesha devotees to worship while they are on move. Following are salient features:
Mantra Lyrics in English and Sanskrit
- Temple bell sound when devotees touches bell.
- Shankanaad on touching Shankha.
Mantra can be set as morning alarm.

Shirdi Saibaba Temple
[Note::When you install this app, do not forget to also install the app
Plugin Saibaba Bhajan
BackyardSoft ]
This application is dedicated to devotees of Shirdi Saibaba. This is like Saibaba temple in your phone. Following are salient features:
- Saibaba Bhajan as audio plugin [SAI RAM bhajan by Jagjit Singh]
- The Bhajan can be set as morning alarm.
- Temple bell sound when devotee touches the bell.
- Shankanaad on touch and hold Shankha icon.
- Widget image changes automatically at every 30 min.
- Three different sizes of widget supported
-Audio and images will be installed on SD card separately. This will save phone memory
-Setting for repeating mantra
-Setting for disabling Shankhnad during startup
- Saibaba Bhajan as audio plugin [SAI RAM bhajan by Jagjit Singh]
- The Bhajan can be set as morning alarm.
- Temple bell sound when devotee touches the bell.
- Shankanaad on touch and hold Shankha icon.
- Widget image changes automatically at every 30 min.
- Three different sizes of widget supported
-Audio and images will be installed on SD card separately. This will save phone memory
-Setting for repeating mantra
-Setting for disabling Shankhnad during startup
Plugin Saibaba Bhajan
This is a plugin for "Shirdi Saibaba Temple " Application. This does not work alone. The plugin contains Saibaba Bhajan. It also contain Shri Saibaba images for slide show during bhajan. In order to use this plugin you must install latest version of "Shirdi Saibaba Temple" application.
Shri Gayatri Temple
This application is dedicated to devotees of Goddess Gayatri. This is like temple in your phone. Following are salient features:
Gayatri Mantra chanting. The mantra is one of most powerful mantra, daily listening to this will have significant positive impact in your life.
- Mantra can be set as morning alarm.
- Temple bell sound when devotee touches the bell.
- Shankanaad on touch and hold Shankha icon
Hanuman Temple: With Chalisa
This application helps Shri Hanuman devotees to worship while they are on move. Following are salient features:
- Sri Hanuman Chalisa with lyric in Hindi and English
- Hanuman Chalisa can be set as morning alarm.
- Provided options to repeat Chalisa
- Provided option to disable Shankhnad during startup
- Temple bell sound when devotees touches bell.
- Shankanaad on touching Shankha.
In short, I have installed almost all of the apps by BACKYARDSOFT and I enjoy listening and reciting to them every single day.Besides the apps by Backyardsoft, there are 2 more apps which are super cool. One of them is
iZing Mantras
[To install this app on ur cell- go the app market and search for izing mantras. This is a free app]iZing Mantras is collection of powerful mantras. In addition to the rendering of the mantras, the app includes deep, soothing music and colorful, vibrant visuals.
In Hinduism there are three gods who are together known as the "tri-murtis" or trinity. Lord Brahma is the creator, Lord Vishnu the preserver or maintainer and Lord Siva the transformer. Lord Vishnu has ten incarnations, Krishna and Rama being two of them. At this time we have the following mantra albums of Lord Vishnu. We will keep adding more albums in the future.
108 Names of Vishnu. Lord Vishnu has many names. This is a collection of 108 mantras each of which is based on a name of Lord Vishnu. It is accompanied by invocation mantras and music
1000 Names of Vishnu or Vishu Sahasra Namavali. The thousand names of Lord Vishnu are chanted such that each name is chanted as a mantra. This is a rare rendering of the 1000 names. This is different from the Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram in which the entire set of 1000 names is chanted as a poem. In this album you can hear each of the thousand names distinctively.
Listening to these mantras will fill your heart with peace and devotion. The soft, deep energy emanating from these mantras is ideal for meditation. As you listen to the "108 Names of Vishnu" everyday you will notice that the peace that you feel when you listen to it stays with you even when you are not listening to it and while you conduct your day-to-day activities.
The second super cool app is for all those of you who like to read on ur cell while you are waiting or may be sitting in a bus or a train. It is for all those of you who would love to have the whole Shri Sai Satcharitra book and much more in the palm of your hands. To install this app on ur cell- go to the app market and search for
108 names
Suresh Desu
The app has information about the following Gods.
1.) Lord Shiva
2.) Lord Subrahmanyam
3.) Lord Ganesha
4.) Sai Baba
5.) Shri Lakshmi Devi
6.) Lord Venkateswara
7.) Lord Surya
8.) Shri Gayatri
9.) Lord Vishnu
10.) Lord Hanuman (Chalisa)
11.) Bhagvad Gita
12.) Sai Sat charitra.
13.) Lalitha Sahasranamam
The app displays all the 108 names (Ashtothram) for each of the Hindu Gods.
Ashtothram is available for the following.
✪✪ Shiva Ashtothram (monday)
✪✪ Subrahmanyam Ashtothram (tuesday)
✪✪ Ganesh Ashtothram (wednesday)
✪✪ SaiBaba Ashtothram (thursday)
✪✪ Lakshmi Devi Ashtothram (friday)
✪✪ Venkateswara Ashtothram (saturday)
✪✪ Surya Ashtothram (sunday)
✪✪ BHAGAVAD GITA ** All 18 chapters now available
✪✪ Sai Satcharitra -- Yes the entire 51 chapters for Sai Satcharitra
✪✪ Gayatri Mantram
✪✪ Hanuman Chalisa -- All 40 Shlokas
✪✪ Vishnu Sahasranamam -- Entire Vishnu Sahasranamam
✪✪ Lalitha Sahasranamam -- Entire Lalitha Sahasranamam
I hope by now you understand what made me write that I also have a small temple on my cell .All my friends who have seen my phone- love these apps and so I could'nt help sharing them with all of you too.
Deepa H
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