Jai Maata di!Om Nama Shivaya!
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He who carps and cavils at others, pierces Me in the heart and injures Me, but he that suffers and endures, Pleases Me most.

God is the Sustainer and Protector of this entire universe. For all of us, He is the Father, Mother and Everything. So, whatever troubles come, we have to pray to Him and whatever wish we have, we need to ask Him. Baba will yield to devotion. He is merciful and His Heart would melt if we pray to Him from the bottom of our hearts. As the increasing heat boils the milk in the bowl and rises up to calm down by pouring of some cool water, likewise, our life's sorrows and sufferings would go up and make us sad, only to be doused by the Merciful Baba's shower of choicest blessings that soothe our anguished hearts.Baba will not abandon the grief-stricken devotees. He will rush and solve our problems. But our desire should be genuine in nature. A highly qualified and unemployed youth, burdened with family responsibilities, if prays fervently to Baba, he may accidentally meet someone on the way who would offer him a good job with handsome salary. Prof. Narke, the son-in-law of Buti, was a post-graduate geologist and could not secure a good job which matched his qualification. But, then, as willed by Baba, he could get employed as professor of geology in Pune. So, if we pray Baba for light and liberation instead of fulfillment of mundane desires, Baba will surely guide us to that destination. So, let us seek an ever-lasting place in the Divine Abode of Baba.

Let us mark tomorrow by repeating Naam Jaap. "Vijaya-Dashami means the triumph of good over evil, the triumph of righteousness over unrighteousness. This day Lord Rama killed Ravana and freed Sita from his clutches and this occasion is celebrated by the entire country.But the day of Vijaya-Dashami (also called Dussehra) is also very important for Shirdi Sai Baba and his devotees, because it was on 15th October`1918,
Vijaya-Dashami day when Baba left his mortal coil. So, this day is venerated as the holy day that Sai Baba attained Mahasamadhi (Punyatithi) and is a big festival in Shirdi Tirtha & everywhere.
On this day,devotees collect the leaves of Apta tree and exchange among their friends as gold. People also worship the Shami tree and its leaves.
Sri Sai Baba also used to take part in this "Seemolanghan" festivities with the villagers. Once, during the Dussehra of 1916 when the villagers returned back from the ritual of "Seemolanghan", they found Baba in a angry mood. Actually, during the ritual some people were trying to know whether Baba was a Hindu or a Muslim, and when Baba came to know about it, he got very angry. Taking off His Head-dress, Kafni and Langota etc. He tore them and threw them into the Dhuni before him.Everybody was trembling with fear and nobody dared to approach Baba. But then Bhagoji Shinde gathered courage and succeeded in tying a Langota round his waist and asked Baba as to what is all this? "Today is Seemolanghan", Baba striking the ground with his satka said, "This is my Seemolanghan” !!!By this incident, Baba gave an indication that in the future, Vijaya-Dashami was the right day for Him to cross the border of life.which the devotees could finally understand after two years on Dussehra`1918 only.
On this day,devotees collect the leaves of Apta tree and exchange among their friends as gold. People also worship the Shami tree and its leaves.
Sri Sai Baba also used to take part in this "Seemolanghan" festivities with the villagers. Once, during the Dussehra of 1916 when the villagers returned back from the ritual of "Seemolanghan", they found Baba in a angry mood. Actually, during the ritual some people were trying to know whether Baba was a Hindu or a Muslim, and when Baba came to know about it, he got very angry. Taking off His Head-dress, Kafni and Langota etc. He tore them and threw them into the Dhuni before him.Everybody was trembling with fear and nobody dared to approach Baba. But then Bhagoji Shinde gathered courage and succeeded in tying a Langota round his waist and asked Baba as to what is all this? "Today is Seemolanghan", Baba striking the ground with his satka said, "This is my Seemolanghan” !!!By this incident, Baba gave an indication that in the future, Vijaya-Dashami was the right day for Him to cross the border of life.which the devotees could finally understand after two years on Dussehra`1918 only.
In 1918, some time before Dussehra, Sri Sai Baba prophesied to Ramchandra Patil that Tatya Patil was going to pass away on Vijaya-Dashami`1918.Tatya who used to refer Baba as his Uncle, was the son of Baijabai, a staunch devotee of Baba. Baba had decided to save Tatya life. On 28th September`1918 Baba got a slight attack of fever which lasted for a couple of days, but after wards Baba gave up his food and thereby he grew weaker and weaker.And true to Baba's word, a few days before Vijaya-Dashami`1918, Tatya fell sick and was bed-ridden. Baba was also down with fever. Tatya's illness began to grow from bad to worse and he could not move at all. The predicament of Baba began to grow equally worse. As, Vijaya-Dashami dawned,Tatya's pulse began to beat very slow and he was expected to pass away shortly. But then a miracle happened. Tatya's death was averted and at about 02:30 p.m on 15th October`1918, Baba breathed his last. Thus on Vijaya-Dashami day itself, Baba crossed over his physical borders (Seemolanghan) and took Mahasamadhi.Today due to Sai Baba's boundless grace, Shirdi has become a "Maha-Teerth" (Great Pilgrimage).

Do not be anxious that I would be absent from you.

Whenever devotees call "Baba" they get response and blessings even from the Samadhi. Buti, a millionaire and a humble devotee, blessed by Baba, had a mansion built for his private use and which later became the Maha Samadhi Mandir for Baba. In 1916, on the auspicious day of Vijayadasami, Baba fervently yelled, 'Today is My seemollanghan (i.e., crossing the border)'. Baba had fever for three days from 28th September, 1918. One day, while Madhav Paslay was cleaning Dwarkamayi, a brick-stone treasured by Baba, slipped from his hand and broken into two pieces. Baba, who returned from His daily round of Bhiksha (alms), exclaimed that 'what is broken is not a brick, but my good fortune'.It was Tuesday of Vijayadasami and the mansion built by Buti was scheduled for a grand opening. Baba gave nine rupee coins to Lakshmibhai and asked everyone present there to go, have their lunch and come back. Only Ramachandra Patil and Shyama stayed back. Before breathing His last, Baba asked them to take Him to the Butiwada where He would be comfortable. After 36-hours of argument between Hindus and Muslims, on Thursday, 17th October 1918, people got Baba's mortal remains decorated with flowers, took it in a procession in Shirdi and His body was laid to rest, duly performing all rituals.
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