Jai Maata di!Om Nama Shivaya!
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In the year 1918, few months before Baba leaving his body he called Bade baba’s son named Kasim and gave him some chapattis and cooked chicken and told him to take this to Aurangabad and meet Shamsuddin Fakir Miya and give all this to him and also give him Rs 250. Tell Shamsuddin Fakir Miya to do Mauloo and Kawali and also do Nyaas (Mauloo = Singing songs of Prophet Mohammad, Kawali = Singing songs of saints, Nyaas = Cooking food and distributing it)
Baba also gave Kasim a garland of marigold flowers and told him to put it into the neck of Banney Miya and tell him "NAV DIN NAV TARIQ ALLAH MIYA NE APNA DHUNIYA LAGAYA. MARZI ALLAH KI!" (On the 9th day Allah will take away his own kept lamp. As Allah wish! )
Getting orders from Baba Kasim spoke that he dose not have any knowledge of Aurangabad. Baba told him to take Chotekhan as guide. So Chotekhan, Kasim & his servant Amir went to Aurangabad & alighted at Aurangabad station....
On the station Shamsuddin Fakir was himself standing there, waiting for these three, "Who are the guests from Sai fakir?” asked Shamsuddin fakir. Chotekhan, Kasim went ahead and greeted him. Then Shamsuddin Fakir uttered the same words which Baba had told to Kasim "NAV DIN NAV TARIQ ALLAH MIYA NE APNA DHUNIYA LAGAYA. MARZI ALLAH KI!” Latter Samsuddin Fakir took these three people to his place.
After giving Rs 250 by Kasim to Shamsuddin Fakir, nyaas was done and many people had food. Latter in the night program of Mauloo & Kawali was also done as per Baba’s wish.
On the next day Shamsuddin Fakir and these three went to Banney miya. At that time Banney Miya was standing (in meditation) with one hand up and the other down. The people near to Banney Miya told Chotekhan and others not to go near Banney Miya as he would get angry. Chotekhan and others waited for some time, but latter Chotekhan with little daring put the garland of marigold flowers given by Baba into the neck of Banney Miya.
As soon as the garland fell into the neck, Banney Miya opened his eyes and uttered "NAV DIN NAV TARIQ ALLAH MIYA NE APNA DHUNIYA LAGAYA. MARZI ALLAH KI!” Banney Miya looked up at the sky and tears started flowing from his eyes. (Maybe by knowing that the day of Baba leaving his body was near he felt bad). After 4 months after this event Baba left his body. It was also the day of “Katal ki raat”. (Prophet Mohammad’s daughter Fatima’s second son Hazrat Hussein and many young members of his family were killed by Khalifa Yazid and his army)
Nav Din Nav Tariq means Ninth day. Baba left his body on 9th day of Muslim month Moharam.

Baba also gave Kasim a garland of marigold flowers and told him to put it into the neck of Banney Miya and tell him "NAV DIN NAV TARIQ ALLAH MIYA NE APNA DHUNIYA LAGAYA. MARZI ALLAH KI!" (On the 9th day Allah will take away his own kept lamp. As Allah wish! )
Getting orders from Baba Kasim spoke that he dose not have any knowledge of Aurangabad. Baba told him to take Chotekhan as guide. So Chotekhan, Kasim & his servant Amir went to Aurangabad & alighted at Aurangabad station....
On the station Shamsuddin Fakir was himself standing there, waiting for these three, "Who are the guests from Sai fakir?” asked Shamsuddin fakir. Chotekhan, Kasim went ahead and greeted him. Then Shamsuddin Fakir uttered the same words which Baba had told to Kasim "NAV DIN NAV TARIQ ALLAH MIYA NE APNA DHUNIYA LAGAYA. MARZI ALLAH KI!” Latter Samsuddin Fakir took these three people to his place.
After giving Rs 250 by Kasim to Shamsuddin Fakir, nyaas was done and many people had food. Latter in the night program of Mauloo & Kawali was also done as per Baba’s wish.
On the next day Shamsuddin Fakir and these three went to Banney miya. At that time Banney Miya was standing (in meditation) with one hand up and the other down. The people near to Banney Miya told Chotekhan and others not to go near Banney Miya as he would get angry. Chotekhan and others waited for some time, but latter Chotekhan with little daring put the garland of marigold flowers given by Baba into the neck of Banney Miya.
As soon as the garland fell into the neck, Banney Miya opened his eyes and uttered "NAV DIN NAV TARIQ ALLAH MIYA NE APNA DHUNIYA LAGAYA. MARZI ALLAH KI!” Banney Miya looked up at the sky and tears started flowing from his eyes. (Maybe by knowing that the day of Baba leaving his body was near he felt bad). After 4 months after this event Baba left his body. It was also the day of “Katal ki raat”. (Prophet Mohammad’s daughter Fatima’s second son Hazrat Hussein and many young members of his family were killed by Khalifa Yazid and his army)
Nav Din Nav Tariq means Ninth day. Baba left his body on 9th day of Muslim month Moharam.
Darkness of ignorance lies before us. We have to journey from darkness into light. It means, to move out from total darkness into brilliant light. If our minds and hearts repose faith in Baba, He would destroy our accumulated sins of past lives in the fire of His Divine Love. Salvation is assured to us when we tread the path of Wisdom-Light and get united with the Almighty through the door-way of Baba's Grace. He Himself is like a golden gateway to self-liberation. It would be easier to walk on that path for those who give-up the feeling of 'doer ship and ego' and serve Baba by totally surrendering to His Will.The entrance to Baba's Heart is always left open to the true devotees and, therefore, we have to pass through that passage with firm faith, reach His Lotus Feet and nestle closely to Him. We are assured of complete protection in His presence. It is like getting entry into the Kingdom of Heaven. When we get self-realization and are able to see Baba in all living and non-living beings, we receive warm welcome from that gate. We reach the destination by treading the path and it is our common experience in the physical world. Path and destination are not the same. But, it is different in the case of Baba. He is the goal of self-liberation and the path that leads to the Door-Way through which we have to pass through for attaining self-liberation.
He who casts aside his egoism and thank Him and he who trusts Him entirely will have his shackles removed and will obtain liberation.
Shri Shirdi Sai speaks-15th Oct/16th Oct/ Maha Samadhi Message http://goo.gl/fb/AofXn
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