Jai Maata di!Om Nama Shivaya!
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Several noble words that Baba spoke can be quoted by us in our speeches. They are of use only when we walk on the path of love as shown by Baba. We might have several virtues, a treasure of knowledge and attained a high status in our profession. But, only with a love-filled heart, can all those virtues yield good results. Although we may render service with an eye on excellence, efficiency, sincerity and commitment, service will never bear the fruit of fulfillment unless we express compassion and sympathy and lend a helping hand with a loving heart. The same concern, earnestness and love with which we treat our subordinates would boost their morale and enthuse them.Whatever heights we may reach, we should make it a point to treat our neighbors with love and never look down on them. Even a golden pot cannot hold water if it has a hole in it. However rich one may be or in whatever exulted job he might be, life would become naught if he has no love in his heart. It is like a flowerless and fruitless barren life. If the nectar of Baba's love falls on that trunk, it would blossom into a fruit-giving tree. In spite of one's vast knowledge or rich talents, one should have love for all the employees at one's work place. We should treat all around us as the form of Baba and love them as we would love Baba and know that a life of divine love provides us solace.

18th October`2010
On the Occasion of Sai Baba's Punyatithi`2010 at Shirdi, during the "Bhiksha Zoli" programme,devotees have made anonymous donations to Sai Baba.
On 16th Oct`2010, a Devotee donated a Necklace made of 1kg Gold & worth approx Rs.20 lakh.Along with Rubies and Emeralds studded, it has a "OM" symbol made of Diamonds also.The Devotee has requested anonymity.
On 17th Oct`2010, another Devotee donated Padukas made of 2kg Gold & worth approx Rs.41 lakh at Dwarkamai`Shirdi.After the proper Rituals, the Golden Paduka have been installed on the Stone on which Sai Baba used to Sit in Dwarakamai.The Devotee has requested anonymity.With these Gold Donations, now the Sai Sansthan has approximately 200 kg Gold and 3000 kg Silver.
See the news on Video at

We usually worship God in whatever mode we like. We read spiritual books, conduct bhajans and offer worship. We have several great books, but only a few disclose spiritual truths and guide us to reach God and solve our problems. Baba appeared in the dream when a devotee Sathe, read Gurucharitra once. On knowing it, Hemadpant was upset that Baba did not bless him. Baba is the Omnipresent One. He sent Hemadpant to Shyama to have a chat with him and get money as an offering. With the words of Shyama, Hemadpant realized that reading a holy book with sincerity and devotion would yield great results.It is evident that it is not the number of times that one might go through Sai Satcharitra, but with what devotion and faith one reads it that assures the beneficial effect. In times of trouble we should pray to Baba and read Sai Satcharitra to solve our problems. This is the personal experience of many devotees. At times, Baba's words are suddenly heard in our inner souls and at times Sai commands us when doubts arise. When devotees doubted Him, many a time Baba asked, "Don't you still believe me"? If we fill our minds and hearts with Baba's presence, it will take few seconds to hear His assurance. Sai Satcharitra is kept opened by Baba to guide us live successfully and joyfully.

I require no door to enter, I have no form nor any extension; I always love everywhere
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