Jai Maata di!Om Nama Shivaya!
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Video 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRSKiaMf2mo&feature=player_embedded
Video 2- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zEcM1KZs_s&feature=player_embedded
Video 3- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjWD9G2XtXQ&feature=player_embedded

Nov 17th Nov`2010
OrissaBhubaneswar: The devotees of Shirdi’s Sai Baba in Orissa scampered out of their homes on Tuesday 16th Nov night in the hope of seeing their deity Shirdi Sai Baba's image reflected on the Moon.Hundreds of them rushed out of their homes in Bhubaneswar and adjoining Cuttack to look at the Moon with reverence, as news spread by word of mouth about the celestial spectre. Some of them even offered prayers and started singing Sai bhajans.However, as they strained their eyes to scan the Moon’s surface from their ethereal location to savour the moment, they could not discern anything novel. It was after all a rumour.
The incident had become a major topic of discussion among the common people on Wednesday 17th Nov morning. Nobody knows from where or how the rumour started floating around. But many residents said they came to know about it from their relatives through the mobile phones. “Around midnight I got a frantic call from one of my relatives who advised me to rush out and see the picture of Shirdi Sai Babu on the surface of the Moon. I went out but could not see anything. The Moon was looking as before and there was nothing unusual”, said Ashok Jena, a retired banker. However, a few others said they could identify a hazy picture on the Moon’s surface which indeed was looking like the eyes of the Shirdi Sai Baba. There are others who are of the view that police should take stringent action against the people who were responsible for such rumour mongering.“The police should identify these rumour mongers and take them to task, so that in future people would think twice before floating this type of rumours around”, said Saroj Mishra, a home maker. The local police maintained that people themselves alone can stop rumour mongering. “The rumour mongers will stop their activities if the common people start ignoring them. “But unfortunately people get influenced by these rumours. This has been proven by Tuesday night’s incident,” said a senior official in the office of the Bhubaneswar police commissioner.

God is the Supreme Spirit, the Almighty One. He will make human beings as instruments to satisfy the needs of fellow beings and thus ensures their self-liberation by such acts. It is but natural for humble mortals like us to expect reward for anything we do. But, as Baba's devotees, we should not expect something in return for what we do. If we utilize our God-given abilities in helping others, our life will be blessed. The real devotion rests in helping others in times of need and sharing their pains and pleasures. Sympathizing with the helpless is humaneness. But helping them is godly.Once an old man was robbed and battered and lying helpless on the road. Then a good samaritan carried him in his arms to a choultry and asked the choultry manager to take care of the old man and assured to bear any amount of expenditure that would be incurred. But the manager treated the old man free of cost. Then Baba blessed both the good samaritan and the manager of the choultry and they both spent their lives in good health and happiness. The God Supreme blessed us with money to be given in charity, hands to offer charity and the will to help others. We have to use them as Baba willed us. If we are prepared to help the needy, then Baba, will certainly reward our good deeds beyond expectations by His Grace and Protection.
"I draw to Me, My man from far off, or even across the seven seas, like a sparrow with a string fastened to its feet "
In whatsoever form and name we might worship God, He would respond to our passionate call uttered sincerely. We do not recall God in times of joy. Just as darkness comes after light, hard times loom large before us. The world which praises a person in the highest manner will simply ignore him on knowing that he is reduced to misery and is in trouble. For any reason, if a healthy person falls sick and become weak, the world turns its back on him. At this juncture, God comes to their thought. Then, they would whole-heartedly pray, "There is none other than You". God with His loving kindness will readily come to the rescue of anyone. He would not count our mistakes committed in the past, as also He cannot leave us alone. He extends His helping hand and takes us closer to Him.God is always ready to help us in some form or other. A drowning man gets the support of a wooden plank. Who has sent it? None other than God. Likewise, in the face of hardships, one need not worry that one is alone and helpless. God is indeed our Father. When Khaparde's son in Shirdi was suffering from plague, Baba uttered "the clouds shall soon vanish" and shown the signs of plague on His body by lifting His upper garment. The boy regained health by next day. Yes, for those who trust in Baba, He is the Merciful One who extends His Hand of help
“Remembrances are often life’s lessons that were forgotten.”
Quote of BABA:
Our senses have been created by God with a tendency to move outward and so Man always looks outside himself and not inside and he who wants Self-Relization and immortal life, must turn his gaze inwards and look to his inner Self

Our senses have been created by God with a tendency to move outward and so Man always looks outside himself and not inside and he who wants Self-Relization and immortal life, must turn his gaze inwards and look to his inner Self
To have faith in God is to install God on the throne of our hearts. Faith means, to trust in the Omnipotence of God and to firmly believe that God answers our prayers. A man of faith stands in firm faith of God when everyone deserts him. Faith means burning the bridges already crossed in order to go ahead firmly. Faith never hesitates to give what it has to. Having faith in God today, with similar spirit for tomorrow, is the mark of faith. Faith is the antonym and an antidote to fear. Ways are many, but to repose trust in God is a sign of faith. A man of faith will not rely on his conviction, but abides by God's command.Faith works miracles in one's life and makes the sick healthy. Roots of faith sink deeper and grow stronger by constantly remembering God. In order to erect rock-like faith, we must keep reading the teachings of Baba, have a firm grasp of His message and hold on to His Feet. We must strive to walk in the foot-steps of Sainath. To praise Sai in good times, doubt Him and His Grace in bad times cannot make a true Sai devotee. Sri Sai Satcharitra narrates the experiences of many a devotee of faith who were baled out of troubled times and saved by taking refuge at the Feet of Sai. If we surrender to Baba believing Him to be our Father and Guiding-Light, He will not only take care of us but guide us to His Abode of Ever-Serene Peace.
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