Jai Maata di!Om Nama Shivaya!
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"Tees Maar Khan" team visits Shirdi
10th Nov`2010
VADODARA/ANAND: On Wednesday 10th Nov`2010 noon, a Gold Crown was stolen from Shirdi Sai Baba's Idol in one of the most popular Temple premises located on Lambhvel Road on the outskirts of Anand city in Gujarat`India. The Gold Crown mounted on the Idol of Shirdi Sai Baba at "Sainath Temple" premises was stolen within Four minutes! According to the Temple Trustees, the Crown weighing 622 grams was valued at Rs 12.5 lakh and the Temple had received it as a donation during the Installation ceremony of the Temple in February`2009. Shri Shwetalkumar Patel, Trustee of the Sai Baba Jan Seva Trust, which manages the Temple premises, said"We have two CCTV cameras installed at our Temple premises which has Three Temples - one of Mahadevji, another of Sai Baba and third of Shani Dev. These cameras cover both the areas surrounding the Idol of Sai Baba and that of Shani Dev. But, the CCTV camera that was overlooking the Sai Baba Idol stopped working between 11.33 am and 11.37 am. It was during this four-minute span that some miscreant seems to have stolen the Gold Crown from Baba, as the Crown can be seen in the CCTV footage before the camera stopped recording and the footage also shows a man wearing black T-shirt moving around the Temple premises but his face is not clear."Patel, who has registered a complaint at Anand town police station, says he was informed about the theft by the Temple's priest and other office-bearers around 12 noon. Anand town police are investigating the case even as they are not ruling out insider's involvement in the case. Anand town's police inspector Shri. D.S.Vaghela said that "The Gold Crown has been stolen when the Temple remains open for public. The Crown is brought out of the locker and installed on the idol of Sai Baba only during special days and during festive season. It is the duty of the priest to remain present near the Baba's Idol. So apart from studying the CCTV footage recorded before and after the theft, we are also questioning some office-bearers of the Temple,"
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Thursday, 11th November`2010
The Waghbil Village in Thane district of Maharashtra, now boasts of a first of sorts Trend where ALL THE RESIDENTS OF THE VILLAGE WILL GO TO SHIRDI to seek blessings from Sai Baba unlike with only a handful of villagers who walk for seven to eight days all the way to Shirdi.In total 170 people from the Waghbil Village will go walking all the way to Shirdi covering 240 km in all and 30 km a day. With Age no Bar for Devotion, the residents of Waghbil Village are making their way to the Holy Pilgrimage of Shirdi.The First batch left early Tuesday 09th Nov`2010 morning and after a gap of seven days the other batch consisting of 350 people is expected to leave by vehicles to catch up with the former group. They would then return home by bus or other vehicles after the 'Darshan' and their return would be celebrated by a ‘Bhandara’ after four days. Shri.Kunkesh Patil, a Social worker and a resident of the village said, "This year the young at heart left today and the rest of the village will leave by bus, two and four wheelers to reach Shirdi on 15th Nov`2010 to reach the next day. They would return the same day after which a celebration with a ‘Bhandara’ would be followed on 20th Nov`2010. The youngest this year will be a four-year-old Sujan Shinge."Sujan Shinge excitedly confirmed, "I am looking forward to my maiden Padhyatra though I have gone about five times by car before. If I get very tired I will sit in the accompanying vehicles but will try hard not to."The Villagers who go by foot to Shirdi take breaks every afternoon and night covering about 30 km daily and at each halt,food is prepared by fellow devotees who accompany them in a couple of vehicles which carry food, water & sleeping bed sheets.
Throughout the journey, devotional songs are sung, and Sai Baba's stories and other leela's are discussed. Those very tired, fall asleep while the rest continue singing devotional songs and discussions.Another social worker Ganesh Choudhury of the Village said, "Every year people go walking and others prefer going by vehicles like buses, big 10-seaters and motorcycles to reach Shirdi."Vikraj Shinge, a devotee said "When we go to Shirdi, the village hardly has any people around. Only the old, infirm and a few who cannot get leaves from their jobs will be present. The rest will all be in Shirdi !!! They will meet at Khandoba Mandir, the same Temple where Saibaba first halted before going to the Neem tree. The Palkhi carrying Baba left the temple to go round the Village on roads that were gaily decorated with bright and colourful rangolis.
Throughout the journey, devotional songs are sung, and Sai Baba's stories and other leela's are discussed. Those very tired, fall asleep while the rest continue singing devotional songs and discussions.Another social worker Ganesh Choudhury of the Village said, "Every year people go walking and others prefer going by vehicles like buses, big 10-seaters and motorcycles to reach Shirdi."Vikraj Shinge, a devotee said "When we go to Shirdi, the village hardly has any people around. Only the old, infirm and a few who cannot get leaves from their jobs will be present. The rest will all be in Shirdi !!! They will meet at Khandoba Mandir, the same Temple where Saibaba first halted before going to the Neem tree. The Palkhi carrying Baba left the temple to go round the Village on roads that were gaily decorated with bright and colourful rangolis.

04th Nov`2010

On this occasion, the Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan Temple incharge Shri.Ramarao Shelke felicitated Mr.& Mrs Agarwal in Dwarakamai.
"Shankhpatra" is a Utensil/Pot to place a Conch in.

Click to the below link incase you have not read from Chapter 1 to Chapter 16

Jai: Grandma, how do I know what foods to eat?
Grandma: There are three types of foods, Jai. (Gita 17.07-10) The foods that bring long life, virtue, strength, health, happiness, and joy are juicy, smooth, substantial, and nutritious. Such health foods are the best. They are called Sattvik or healthy food.
Foods that are very bitter, sour, salty, hot, oily, and acidic are called Rājasika or undesirable foods. Such junk foods are unhealthy, cause diseases, and should be avoided.
Foods that are not well cooked, spoiled, tasteless, rotten, burned, left-over, and impure (such as meat and alcohol) are called Tamasik or bad foods. One should not eat such foods.

Grandma: You should never tell a lie. Your words should not be harsh, bitter, nasty, or insulting. They should be sweet, useful, and truthful. (Gita 17.15) One who speaks politely wins the heart of all and is liked by everybody. A wise person should speak the truth if it is helpful and keep quiet if it is harsh. To help those in need is the universal teaching.

Grandma: It is our duty to help those who are less fortunate and can’t help themselves. Help anyone who needs help, but never expect anything in return. Charity is not only the best, but also the only use of wealth. We all should help a good cause. Give back what belongs to the world. But there are responsibilities. Money given in charity should be earned by lawful means. And we must make sure that the receiver is not a person likely to use the gift for evil purposes. (Gita 17.20-22)

Grandma: Full faith in God makes things happen. There is nothing impossible for faith. Faith works miracles. One must have faith before starting any work. It is said in the Gita that we can become whatever we want to be if we always think about it and pray to God with faith. (Gita 17.03) Always think about what you want to be, and your dream can come true.
Here is a story about a crow that had faith.

It was a hot summer day. A crow was very thirsty. He flew from place to place looking for water. He could not find water anywhere. Ponds, rivers, and lakes were all dry. The water in the well was too deep. Crow was very thirsty for water. He flew and flew. He was getting both tired and thirsty, but he did not give up the search.
At last he thought death was near and remembered God and started to pray for water. He saw a pitcher of water near a house. This made him very happy as he thought there must be water in the pitcher. He sat on the top of the pitcher and looked into it. To his great frustration he found that the water was at the bottom of the pitcher. He could see the water, but his beak could not reach the water. He became very sad and started to think how he could reach the water. Suddenly an idea came into his mind. There were stones near the pitcher. He picked up stones from the ground, one by one, and started dropping them into the pitcher. The water began coming up. Soon the crow could reach it easily. He drank the water, thanked God, and happily flew away.
Thus it is said, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” The crow did what we all should do. He did not give up. He had faith that his prayer would be answered.
Here is another good story:

A turtle always moves very slowly. His friend, the rabbit, often laughed at the slow turtle. One day, the turtle could not bear the insults and challenged the rabbit to run a race with him. All the animals in the jungle laughed at the idea because a race is usually between equals. A deer volunteered to be the judge.
The race started. The rabbit ran fast, and soon he was ahead of the turtle. As the rabbit came closer and closer to the winning post, he felt sure of winning. He looked back at the slow moving turtle, who was far behind.
The rabbit was so sure of winning that he thought, “I will sit under the tree and wait for the turtle. When he comes here, I shall run fast and cross the finish line before he does. This will make turtle angry, and it will be fun to see the turtle insulted.”
The rabbit then sat under a tree. The turtle was still far behind. A cool wind was blowing gently. After some time passed, the rabbit fell asleep. When he woke up, he saw the turtle crossing the finish line. The rabbit had lost the race! All the animals in the jungle were laughing at the rabbit, and he learned a valuable lesson: “Slow and steady wins the race.”
You can succeed in any work if you work hard with strong faith. Be enthusiastic about what you want, and you will get it. We are the creation of our own thoughts and desires. Thoughts create our future. We become what we always think of. So never think a negative thought or allow doubt to enter your mind. Keep going toward your goal. You cannot get anything through laziness, negligence, and delay. Keep your dream alive in your heart, and it will come true. All difficulties can be removed by faith in God and a firm determination to succeed. But the fruits of success must be shared with others. If you want your dream to be fulfilled, help fulfill someone else’s dream!
Here is a story of a man who learned that God helps those who help themselves.

Yava was the son of a sage who practiced hard penance to get the blessings of Indra, the King of Devas. He tortured his body with austerities and thus awakened the sympathy of Indra. Indra came before him and asked why he was hurting his body.
Yava answered: “I wish to be a great scholar of the Vedas. It takes a long time to learn the Vedas from a teacher. I am practicing austerities to get that knowledge directly. Bless me.”
Indra smiled and said: “Son, you are on the wrong path. Return home, find a good teacher, and learn the Vedas from him. Austerity is not the way to learn; the path is study and study alone.” With these words, Indra went away.
But Yava would not give up. He did his course of spiritual practice (austerities, penance) with even greater effort. Indra again came before Yava and warned him again. Yava announced that if his prayer was not answered, he would cut off his arms and legs one by one and offer them to the fire. No, he would never give up. He continued his penance. One morning, during his austerities, when he went to bathe in the holy Gangā River, he saw an old man on the bank throwing handfuls of sand into the river.
“Old man, what are you doing?” asked Yava.
The old man replied: “I am going to build a dam across the river so people can cross the river easily. See how difficult it is now to cross it. Useful work, isn’t it? ”
Yava laughed and said: “What a fool you must be to think you can build a dam across this mighty river with your handfuls of sand! Go home and do some other useful work.”
The old man said: “Is my work more foolish than yours of learning the Vedas, not by study, but by austerities?”
Yava now knew that the old man was Indra. Yava earnestly begged Indra to grant him learning as a personal wish.
Indra blessed him and comforted Yava with the following words: “I grant you the wish you want. Go and read the Vedas; you will become learned.”
Yava studied the Vedas and became a great scholar of the Vedas.
The secret of success is to keep thinking about what you want all the time and never give up until you get what you want. Do not let negative thoughts, such as delaying to start work, laziness, and carelessness stand in your way.
Before starting or ending any work or study, repeat OM TAT SAT, the threefold names of Brahma.

Grandma: It means Krishna, the Almighty God, only exists. OM is used before starting any work or study. OM TAT SAT or OM Shantih, Shantih, Shantih, is also used at the end of any act.
There are three types of food --- Sāttavik, Rājasik and Tāmasik --- and they affect our well-being. Tell the truth in a pleasant way. Give charity to a deserving candidate, and give it wisely to avoid its misuse. You can become whatever you want to be if you work hard towards your goal.
To make the journey of life run smoother, we need to choose a competent Guide or we may revert to square one. It is like getting caught in the Karmic wheel of birth-death-rebirth. When we are moving on one path, our vision is limited to the visible path ahead or surroundings. But, if we have a road-map, we could easily learn which path will lead us to which destination or where we have started or where we will reach. We will be aware of the ups and downs, valleys or road-blocks or forks on the way. Meaningless it would be to begin the journey without knowing the route and the destination looks elusive, difficult and time consuming. It may again prove fatal if we move into wild forest areas where the predators may prey on us. This is just about an ordinary path. But, how could humans travel and reach the permanent abode of peace? The glorious words of Baba, who is our Spiritual Guide, alone will help us reach it.We should have faith in Baba and try to practice His golden teachings with a pure mind and firm resolve. Then, we can definitely reach His Holy Presence - our ultimate destination. Just as the one travelling in a forest needs a guide, so do we, to move on the path of spirituality, with total faith in the Master's words. We have to cast our burdens on Baba only, who with His Guiding Light, shows us the right path to Self-liberation.
Quote of BABA:
It is My special characteristic to free any person who surrenders completely to Me and who does worship Me faithfully and who remembers Me and mediates on Me constantly.

It is My special characteristic to free any person who surrenders completely to Me and who does worship Me faithfully and who remembers Me and mediates on Me constantly.
Do not entertain the sense of doership in doing good, as well as for bad deeds, be entirely prideless and egoless in all things and thus your spiritual progress will be rapid..
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